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Cats as pets: Advantages and selection tips - By Dr. Jiya Verma, Clinical Veterinarian, Gurgoan Branch

Choosing a cat as pet
For new pet owners, it is important to not only judge a cat based on its cuteness. The following things should be taken into account.
- Age: A pet brought into the house at a young age is more likely to acquaint to the home environment. Kittens are cuddlesome and habituate easily. But they demand more care and training especially if they are mischievous. Adult cats find it difficult to adjust in new surroundings but they require lesser look-after but usually get along in some time.
- Breed: The selection of breed depends upon the climate, the size of the house, the age of house members etc. Cats having long hair are likely to suffer in hot and humid climate unless air conditioning is available. Cats like to roam around, so if you don’t want your cat to go out frequently, he/ she needs to have enough space in the house.
- Gender: Both male and female cats are jovial and frolicsome. If you don’t want the cat to breed, it is best to get them castrated because no amount of supervision can assure that the chances of a cat getting pregnant will be zero. Females reach sexual maturity at about 5 months of age while for males the age is 6 to 7 months. Upon sexual maturity, females come in heat every 2 to 3 weeks which lasts for 4 to 6 days. Sexually mature intact males start spraying areas as a mark of territorial behavior which causes obnoxious smell. A neutered male stops spraying.
- Behavior- Choose an active and healthy kitten or Make sure that the adult cat or mother of the kitten have had regular vaccinations.
The above benefits and tips are an aid to selecting the right cat for the right reasons. Got any queries? Get in touch with our vets at Cessna Lifeline for any queries.