

Hailed from the Himalayas , Dr. Padam Lal Luitel has spent most of his childhood with companion animals and livestock . He says there were times very often his parents would seek a veterinarian's help to help when any animal is fallen sick. Witnessed all that, and grown up with animals eventually intrigued him to persue this profession but little did he know the scope in this sector back then . Mastered in Bombay Veterinary College , and later practised in Maharashtra in the past , Now he is based in Bengaluru and mostly engaged in emergency inpatients during nights here in CESSNA. He says night shift during the last few years has given him a wide range of cases and that has enhanced his skill more to triage and treat patients subjectively. He says care and monitoring of admitted patients in any facility is eaually important as the procedure done or the drug administered. Nothing makes him happier than to see an admitted patient who is brought on a strecher lifeless evetually goes back home walking. He says The effort we make in between is worth the immense happiness we get when we see that. He believes In reciprocation and always says that we help animals and they teach us a lot in return, we help our clients and we learn a lot from them as well and It is a beautiful thing
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